State Council: Strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in technological innovation and comprehensively enhance their innovation capabilities
Release Date:2013-03-05
Source:China Machine Tool Industry Association Network

The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, all ministries and commissions of the State Council, and all directly affiliated institutions:

Since the implementation of the "National Medium and Long-term Science and Technology Development Plan (2006-2020)", positive progress has been made in the construction of a technological innovation system with enterprises as the main body, market-oriented, and a combination of production, education and research, and policies and measures to encourage enterprise innovation have been gradually improved. , The enthusiasm of enterprises to invest in research and development has been continuously improved, research and development capabilities have been strengthened, and a number of innovative results have been achieved in key industrial fields, providing strong support for industrial upgrading and structural adjustment. However, the innovation capability of Chinese enterprises is still weak. Many fields lack core technologies with independent intellectual property rights. Enterprises have not yet become the main body of innovation decision-making, R&D investment, scientific research organization, and application of results. System and mechanism obstacles restricting enterprise innovation still exist. In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Deepening the Reform of the Science and Technology System and Accelerating the Construction of the National Innovation System" (Zhongfa [2012] No. 6), and comprehensively enhance the innovation capabilities of enterprises, with the consent of the State Council, we hereby propose The following comments.

   1. Guiding ideology and main goals

   (1) Guiding ideology. Adhere to the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of "Three Represents", and the scientific development concept, focus on promoting the close integration of science and technology and economic and social development, and coordinate the basic role of the market in allocating resources and the government's guiding and supporting role in order to deepen the implementation of national technology The innovation project is an important starting point to establish and improve the system and mechanism of technological R&D and innovation in the leading industries of enterprises, promote the agglomeration of innovative elements to enterprises, enhance the innovation capabilities of enterprises, accelerate the transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, and implement the innovation-driven development strategy and build an innovative country Provide strong support.

   (two) the main goal. By 2015, a technological innovation system with enterprises as the main body, market-oriented and combining production, education and research will be basically formed. Cultivate and develop a large number of innovative enterprises. The R&D investment of enterprises has increased significantly. The average R&D investment of large and medium-sized industrial enterprises has increased to 1.5% of the main business income. Leading enterprises in the industry have reached the level of similar international advanced enterprises, and the amount of enterprise invention patent applications and authorizations has been achieved. double. Enterprise-led industry-university-research cooperation has developed in depth, building a number of industrial technology innovation strategic alliances and industrial common technology research and development bases, breaking through a number of core, key and common technologies, forming a number of technical standards, and transforming a number of major scientific and technological achievements. The enterprise innovation environment has been further optimized, a batch of resource-integrated, open and shared technological innovation service platforms have been formed, the scientific and technological public service capabilities for enterprises have been greatly improved, and a large number of energetic technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises and private scientific research institutions have emerged. By 2020, the system and mechanism for technological R&D and innovation in the leading industries of enterprises will be more complete, and the innovation capabilities of enterprises will be greatly improved, and a number of innovative leading enterprises will be formed, which will drive the transformation of economic development mode to achieve significant progress.

   2. Key tasks

   (1) Further improve the mechanism that guides enterprises to increase investment in technological innovation. Companies should continue to deepen their own reforms in accordance with the requirements of the socialist market economy system, adapt to the needs of marketization and global competition, and strengthen the internal driving force of innovation-driven development; the responsibility of the main person in charge of the company for technology research and development should be clarified, and the research and development capabilities should be strengthened. Brand building, establish and improve the technical reserve system, and improve the ability of continuous innovation and core competitiveness. Governments at all levels should encourage and guide enterprises to increase investment in research and development, vigorously cultivate innovative enterprises, and give full play to their role in demonstrating and leading technological innovation. Promote the post-subsidy work of scientific research projects, encourage and guide enterprises to invest in research and development projects in accordance with national strategies and market needs. Establish and improve the operating performance evaluation system for state-owned enterprises' technological innovation, implement and improve the evaluation measures that state-owned enterprises' R&D investment is deemed profit, and strengthen the classified evaluation of R&D input and output in different industries. The central state-owned capital management budget special funds for industrial upgrading and development should increase support for the technological innovation of central enterprises. The solicitation of national science and technology plan projects and the compilation of guidelines must fully listen to the opinions of enterprise experts, and the implementation of major science and technology projects with clear industrialization goals shall be organized and implemented by qualified enterprises. Strengthen the guidance and incentives of national science and technology awards to enterprises' technological innovation.

   (2) Support enterprises to establish R&D institutions. Guide enterprises to establish R&D institutions around market demand and long-term development, improve mechanisms for organizing technological R&D, product innovation, and transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and greatly increase the proportion of large and medium-sized industrial enterprises that establish R&D institutions. On the basis of clear positioning and standards, guide enterprises to build state key laboratories, and carry out basic research around industrial strategic needs. Build a number of national engineering (technology) research centers and national engineering laboratories in key enterprises in the industry to support enterprises in carrying out engineering research on technological achievements. Strengthen the work of nationally recognized enterprise technology centers and technological innovation demonstration enterprises. For enterprise state key laboratories, national engineering (technical) research centers, state-recognized enterprise technology centers, and science and technology private non-enterprise units, preferential tax policies for imported science and technology development supplies or scientific and educational supplies are granted in accordance with relevant regulations. For new-type research and development organizations such as private scientific research institutions, support policies that are equal to those of similar public scientific research institutions in undertaking national scientific and technological tasks and the introduction of talents.

   (3) Support enterprises to promote the industrialization of major scientific and technological achievements. Establish and improve the scientific research operation mechanism and policy guidance of deploying the innovation chain according to the major needs of industrial development, promote the integrated application of new technologies, new materials, new processes, new models, high-end equipment, etc., implement national high-tech industrialization demonstration projects and national scientific and technological achievements Transformation guidance funds, national major scientific and technological achievements transformation projects, national cultural and technological innovation projects, etc., vigorously cultivate and develop strategic emerging industries. Organize the implementation of user demonstration projects, adopt policy guidance, encourage social capital investment, etc., promote the popularization and application of scientific and technological achievements, and use high-tech to transform and upgrade traditional industries. Relying on National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone, National High-tech Industrial Development Zone, National Innovative (Pilot) City, National High-tech Industrial Base, National New-type Industrialization Demonstration Base, Informatization and Industrialization Integration Demonstration Zone, National Agricultural Science and Technology Park, National-level Culture Integrate with science and technology demonstration base, national modern service industry industrialization base, etc., improve the technology transfer and industrialization service system, attract enterprises to set up R&D institutions in the zone, gather high-end talents, and cultivate and develop innovative industrial clusters.

   (4) Vigorously cultivate technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises. The national special funds for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and the technical reform funds for small and medium-sized enterprises shall vigorously support the technological innovation, transformation and upgrading of small and medium-sized enterprises. Expand the scale of technology innovation funds for small and medium-sized technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises, continue to implement the venture capital guiding fund for small and medium-sized technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises, the venture capital investment plan for emerging industries, the innovation capacity building plan for small and medium-sized enterprises, and the SME informatization promotion project, and strengthen the Torch Program, the Spark Program, and the National Key Program The new product plan has a policy guiding role for the product and technological innovation of small and medium-sized enterprises, guiding and supporting the innovation and entrepreneurship of small and medium-sized enterprises. Comprehensive use of buying (selling) credit, intellectual property and equity pledge loans, financial leasing, technology small loans, corporate (corporate) bonds, collective trusts, technology insurance and other methods to support technology-based enterprises to carry out technological innovation financing. Create a fair and competitive market environment for small and micro technology companies and promote their healthy development.

  (5) Develop strategic alliances of industrial technology innovation with enterprises as the leading role. Support industry backbone enterprises to sign strategic cooperation agreements with scientific research institutes and colleges and universities, establish joint development, complementary advantages, share results, and share risks in industry-university-research cooperation mechanisms, and form strategic alliances for industrial technology innovation. Support the alliance to undertake major industrial technology R&D and innovation projects in accordance with regulations, formulate technical standards, compile industrial technology roadmaps, and build platforms and mechanisms for alliance technology research and development, patent sharing, and achievement transformation and promotion. Actively explore the construction of state key laboratories relying on qualified alliance member units. Intensively carry out alliance pilot projects, and strengthen classification guidance and supervision and evaluation of alliances. Focusing on the cultivation and development of strategic emerging industries, combined with the implementation of major national science and technology projects, through alliances to develop major innovative products, master core key technologies, and build an industrial chain. Focusing on the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, we will carry out common technological research through alliances to solve major manufacturing equipment, key components, basic raw materials, basic processes, and high-end analysis and testing equipment that restrict industrial upgrading. Focusing on the development of the modern service industry, through alliances to strengthen technological innovation, business model innovation and management innovation, and foster new forms of modern service industry.

  (6) Relying on the transformation of institutions and industry-leading companies to build an industry common technology research and development base. In response to the characteristics and needs of key industries and technical fields, the The modern service industry and other industries rely on key transformational institutions, industry-specific colleges and universities, and industry-leading companies to integrate relevant scientific research resources through institutional innovations, promote the construction of a number of industry common technology research and development bases, and strengthen common technology research and development and the promotion and diffusion of results. Perform regular evaluations on the performance of the industry's common technology research and development base's operation management and technology diffusion services.

   (7) Strengthen the source support of scientific research institutes and universities for enterprise technological innovation. Encourage scientific research institutes and universities and enterprises to jointly build research and development institutions, jointly build disciplines, implement cooperative projects, and strengthen the theoretical, basic and cutting-edge leading technical support for enterprise technological innovation. Implement programs such as the education and training of outstanding engineers, implement the production-university-research cooperative education model and the "dual tutor" system, encourage universities and enterprises to jointly formulate talent training standards, jointly build curriculum systems and teaching content, jointly implement the training process, and jointly evaluate the quality of training. Promote scientific research institutes and institutions of higher learning to transfer scientific and technological achievements to the market, and qualified scientific research institutes and institutions of higher learning should establish professional technology transfer institutions and technical achievements supply and demand platforms. Improve the implementation of income distribution policies such as equity, option incentives and rewards, as well as the income policy of state-owned assets disposal of public institutions and the personnel evaluation system, and encourage scientific research institutes and institutions of higher learning to transform scientific and technological achievements.

   (8) Improve the enterprise-oriented technological innovation service platform. Facing the industry's technological innovation needs, promote the integration of scientific and technological resources and complementary advantages, promote the formation of a number of technical innovation service platforms in professional fields, and cultivate a number of professional, social, and networked exemplary technology intermediary service institutions. Guided by central financial funds, we will drive local financial and social investment to support the construction of a regional public science and technology service platform centered on the innovative development of local characteristic advantageous industries and strategic emerging industries. Promote the platform to provide small and medium-sized enterprises with services such as R&D and design, inspection and testing, technology transfer, large-scale shared software, intellectual property rights, standards, quality brands, and talent training, and improve professional service capabilities and networked collaboration levels. Explore ways such as purchasing public services to guide the establishment of a good mechanism that promotes the effective operation of technological innovation service platforms. Accelerate the construction of a technology trading market system, a technology business incubation network, and a mechanism for accelerating the growth of technology enterprises.

   (9) Strengthen the construction of enterprise innovative talent team. In the implementation of relevant major talent projects and policies such as the overseas high-level talent introduction plan and the innovative talent promotion plan, enterprises are supported to introduce overseas high-level talents, and the returnees and overseas students are guided and supported to start businesses. Strengthen the construction of professional and technical talents and high-skilled talents, and cultivate leading science and technology talents and outstanding innovation teams. Strengthen the training of enterprise scientific research and management backbones. Improve the flow mechanism of scientific and technological talents, and encourage the two-way flow and part-time work of innovative talents in scientific research institutes, universities and enterprises. Continue to adhere to the effective ways for scientific and technical personnel such as enterprise academician expert workstations, post-doctoral workstations, and scientific and technological personnel to serve enterprises, continuously improve the evaluation system, build a long-term mechanism, and adopt incentive measures such as priority promotion to professional titles for scientific and technical personnel who have made outstanding contributions to service enterprises. Extensively carry out mass technological innovation activities such as employee rationalization suggestions, technological innovations, and skill competitions, prioritize the promotion of technical skill levels for employees who have made outstanding contributions, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of employees to participate in technological innovation, and improve the scientific and technological quality of enterprise employees.

   (10) Promote the open sharing of scientific and technological resources. Improve the open sharing system of scientific and technological resources, conduct in-depth surveys of national scientific and technological resources, and promote the optimal allocation and efficient use of scientific and technological resources. Establish and improve a reasonable operating mechanism for the opening of scientific and technological resources such as scientific research facilities, instruments and equipment of scientific research institutes, universities, and enterprises to the society. Increase the opening of services to enterprises such as national key laboratories, national engineering laboratories, national engineering (technical) research centers, large-scale scientific instrument centers, analysis and testing centers, etc., and use resource opening and sharing as an important indicator of their operational performance evaluation. Strengthen the performance evaluation and rewards and subsidies for the open service work of the national science and technology infrastructure platform, and actively guide it to provide special services to enterprises. Strengthen regional cooperation in scientific research equipment, and improve the ability to support and service enterprises' technological innovation.

   (11) Enhance the level of open cooperation in technological innovation of enterprises. Encourage enterprises to carry out international innovation cooperation through the introduction of talents, technology introduction, cooperative research and development, commissioned research and development, establishment of joint research and development centers, equity participation in mergers and acquisitions, and patent cross-licensing. Strengthen the collection and analysis of international scientific and technological innovation information, and provide services for enterprises to carry out international scientific and technological cooperation. Encourage enterprises to set up R&D institutions overseas, and jointly undertake international scientific and technological cooperation projects with scientific research institutes. Support enterprises to participate in various international standards organizations and actively participate in the formulation and revision of international technical standards. Encourage and support enterprises to apply for intellectual property rights abroad. Strengthen the opening and cooperation of the national science and technology plan, encourage multinational companies to establish R&D institutions in my country in accordance with the law, carry out cooperative R&D with Chinese enterprises, scientific research institutes and universities, jointly build R&D platforms, and jointly cultivate talents.

   (12) Improve fiscal, taxation and financial policies that support enterprise technological innovation. Improve and implement the pre-tax deduction policy for enterprise research and development expenses, and increase the implementation of the accelerated depreciation policy for enterprise research and development equipment. Improve the methods for identifying high-tech enterprises and implement preferential tax policies. Promote the integration of technology and finance, under the principle of controllable risks and within the scope of business allowed by the state, increase policy banks' support for enterprises to transform scientific and technological achievements and import and export key technological equipment, and encourage commercial banks to develop loans that support enterprise technological innovation Models, products and services, increase financing support for enterprise technological innovation. Establish and improve the first (set) insurance mechanism for major technical equipment, and support enterprises in the research and development, promotion and application of major innovative products. Increase support for the listing and financing of qualified innovative companies, as well as the refinancing of listed innovative companies and market-oriented mergers and acquisitions and reorganizations, and support the investment of scientific and technological achievements and the confirmation of equity. Effectively strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights and punish violations of intellectual property rights in accordance with the law.

   Three, organization and implementation

   (1) Strengthen organizational leadership and strengthen overall planning. All localities and departments must earnestly strengthen their sense of responsibility and urgency, center on the comprehensive implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy, intensify the promotion of technological innovation, and comprehensively enhance the innovation capabilities of enterprises. Relevant departments and units such as science and technology, development and reform, finance, education, industry and informatization, agriculture, human resources and social security, state-owned assets, finance, trade unions, etc. shall establish a joint promotion mechanism for the in-depth implementation of national technological innovation projects, give full play to their respective advantages and strengthen coordination Innovate and form a synergy of work. All localities should work out specific plans to implement this opinion in light of actual conditions. It is necessary to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties to jointly promote the technological innovation of enterprises.

   (2) Strengthen monitoring and evaluation to achieve practical results. It is necessary to strengthen classification guidance, establish a monitoring and evaluation mechanism, supervise and inspect the progress of various key tasks and the implementation of various policies and measures, and regularly

Summarize and publish the progress of the work. Gradually establish an enterprise technological innovation investigation system. It is necessary to strengthen research on exploratory policy tasks, accumulate experience through pilot projects, and summarize and promote them in a timely manner. It is necessary to strengthen publicity and public opinion guidance, vigorously publicize the importance of enterprise technological innovation work, policy measures, progress results and advanced experience, and create a good social atmosphere conducive to the smooth progress of work.

                           Office of the State Council

                           January 28, 2013